Book Review: Thirst of Steel


Word to the Wise: This book does contain some darker characters and themes. I'm not going to say that "its not for the faint of heart" but be advised, there is a complexity and realness to these characters.

What's the Skinny:I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
Usually, I find communicating in memes to be quite annoying, but I'm still speechless and this book did a number on me. I still have not recovered.

This is the last installment in The Tox Files series. It comes with all the same characters we know and love (yes, I binged this series hardcore) with some new ones that are irresistible.

The Wraith Team is back at it again with the same quick witted banter, jealousy, and deep dark secrets. The action was fast paced and the story moves along, keeping you engaged every step of the way. Ronie Kendig brings a refreshing outlook to the table by creating characters that are wrestling with very real life situations, emotions, and spiritual questions. She has created heroes that move and function like superheroes but have to work through issues of love- from God, romantically, and brotherly.
My face after reading this book

I would LOVE to tell you I loved the ending. That it was perfection and everything I ever wanted in a series that made me dream happy thoughts, but I cried. Yup, I cried tears and my husband quietly consoled me probably wondering why I continue to read books that take my emotions out of control. The fantastic notion about the ending of this book is that it wraps up well, you feel the characters shock and pain every step of the way. Extra bonus was being able to get more perspectives from other characters as they went on their journey, ultimately leading them together for a final bang!

I highly recommend reading this series just so you can read this last book because OH EM GHEE!

In Case You Read the Back of Books:

Dismantled centuries ago, the sword of Goliath is still rumored to thirst for its enemies' blood. Cole "Tox" Russell only wants to begin his life with Haven Cortes, but he must first complete a final mission: retrieve that sword and destroy the deadly Arrow & Flame Order. 

The AFO, however, is determined to claim the sword. Wielding their father's life over Tzivia and Ram Khalon, they threaten to expose Ram's long-held and dangerous secret while demanding Tzivia locate the sword. With the Wraith team slowly being torn apart, things only worsen when Mercy Maddox, a new operative, emerges with the stunning news that the sword is tied to both Ram's secret and a string of unsolved serial murders. 

Tox, Ram, and the others are forced to set aside fear and anger to focus only on the enemy. No matter the cost, Wraith must stop or take the enemy down with them.



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